We use Cookies on the Webmentor.ie website.

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your device. It has information in it that allows us to "remember" something as you visit pages on the site - for example whether or not you are logged in. In this document we'll explain why we set cookies, what information they contain and what choices you have as a user of this site.

We've divided this into sections so that you can easily find what you're looking for:

Essential Cookies

Session Cookies

We use session cookies on our site so that you can be distinguished from other visitors on our website. This way your "session" (visit) on our site doesn't get confused with somebody else's "session". Session cookies are essential to our website's functionality and they are deleted once you close your browser window. You can identify this cookie as a random 32 alphanumeric string.

Security Cookies

We use a Captcha to protect the forms on our site from being abused by bots and malicious activity.

These cookies can be identified as _GRECAPTCHA and is set for 5 months and 27 days.

Since we don't set this cookie ourselves, you can learn more about it at https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/ and https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/terms/.

Cookie Preferences

We use a cookie to store your cookies preferences on this site.

This cookie can be identified as cookieyes_consent and is set for 1 year.

You can adjust your cookie preferences at any time by using the Cookie Preferences at the bottom of this page.

Non Essential Cookies

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to learn about how visitors use our site so that we can make decisions. We do not collect any data that could identify you personally. All data, including your IP address, is anonymised before it is sent to Google Analytics servers in Ireland. We keep this data for 14 months before deletion.

You'll recognise Google Analytics cookies as follows:

  1. _ga - set for 2 years. Used to distinguish visitors
  2. _ga_<container_id> - set for 2 years. Used to persist session state.
  3. _gid - set for 24 hours. Used to distinguish visitors.
  4. _gac_gb_<container_id> - set for 90 days. Contains campaign related information.

Since we don't set these cookies ourselves, you can learn more about them at https://policies.google.com/technologies/cookies.

If you want to turn off Google Analytics on our site, you can do so by using the Cookie Preferences at the bottom of this page.

Handle cookies by adjusting your Browser Settings

Each browser is different, but most will allow you to:

  • Delete cookies
  • Accept or block cookies on a site by site basis
  • Refuse or Accept all Third party cookies
  • Add the Do not Track directive to your browser preventing you from being tracked on the internet

Since all browsers are a little different in how these settings can be made, we recommend you visit All About Cookies where you will find detailed instructions for almost all known browser types.

Adjust your cookie preferences on this website

Change Cookie Consent